Solidarity with CSU 52

February 6, 2024

The Edmonton & District Labour Council (EDLC) and our 40,000 members wish to express our solidarity with you in your upcoming negotiations with the City of Edmonton.

As we all know, due to record levels of inflation across the world workers everywhere have seen their buying power diminish drastically. We know that any increase in wages that is below inflation means a real pay cut to the buying power of working Edmontonians.

Workers without the benefit of a union often get paid the default “market wages” so it is up to workers with a union to make sure that the market reflects what workers deserve. Through bargaining and potentially withholding your labour you can ensure that you not only get the wages you deserve, but that workers without the benefit of a union, are able to demand their worth from their employers as well. As so many Albertans are pushed to the brink it falls to public employers to be better and their workers to accept nothing less than what they deserve.

With 250,000 unionized workers in this province in strike position in 2024 all unionized workers must “hold the line” and fight to set the precedence for better working conditions all. The EDLC and our members in the Edmonton area stand with you and are ready to do their part to support this fight. When the workers are united, they can never be defeated and for now it falls to you to send a strong message to the City. You work tirelessly for our communities and need to demand respect for the work that you do and wages that reflect it.

If you stand strong, we have no doubt that you will achieve a contract that gets you all that you deserve for your hard work and dedication that makes our city great!

In Solidarity!

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