Children Deserve Safety!
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST NE Corner of the Alberta Teacher's Association 11010 142 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5N 2R1
Schools need to be a safe place for all children to learn! For some reason the far right have decided that children are the ones that need to be attacked with groups like All Fired Up For Freedom, Hands Off Our Kids, 1MillionMarch4Children calling for some kids to be made to feel unsafe at school.
Due to safety concerns there will be no access to the ATA building or parkade so plan accordingly. We will be gathering on the North East corner of the property in the green space. The other event starts at 9 am so come when you can but for maximum effect our support will really be needed from 10 am – Noon.
As a labour movement we have long stood for the rights of all and this is no different. We need to step up shoulder to shoulder with concerned community members and youth and tell these people that they do not speak for us.
Our best weapon is always our numbers so please come on out and drown out this nonsense so we can ALL get back to living our lives without fear of persecution.
If you have any questions of what to expect read the pamphlet below courtesy of the anti-hate network and you will be more than prepared.